Transfer (Token)

Token Program - Transfer Checked

	From:     aliceTokenRandomTokenPubkey,
	To:       aliceTokenATAPubkey,
	Mint:     mintPubkey,
	Auth:     alice.PublicKey,
	Signers:  []common.PublicKey{},
	Amount:   1e8,
	Decimals: 8,

From a token account to give token

To a token account to receive token

Mint which token wants to transfer

Auth the owner of from, need to sign the tx

Singers we pass empty first, I will write a another chapter to discuss it.

Amount the number you want to transfer

Decimals the decimals of mint

There is an instruction call Transferin tokenprog also can transfer token.

package main

import (


// you can fill your key here
var feePayer, _ = types.AccountFromBytes([]byte{178, 244, 76, 4, 247, 41, 113, 40, 111, 103, 12, 76, 195, 4, 100, 123, 88, 226, 37, 56, 209, 180, 92, 77, 39, 85, 78, 202, 121, 162, 88, 29, 125, 155, 223, 107, 139, 223, 229, 82, 89, 209, 27, 43, 108, 205, 144, 2, 74, 159, 215, 57, 198, 4, 193, 36, 161, 50, 160, 119, 89, 240, 102, 184})

// you can fill your key here
var alice, _ = types.AccountFromBytes([]byte{196, 114, 86, 165, 59, 177, 63, 87, 43, 10, 176, 101, 225, 42, 129, 158, 167, 43, 81, 214, 254, 28, 196, 158, 159, 64, 55, 123, 48, 211, 78, 166, 127, 96, 107, 250, 152, 133, 208, 224, 73, 251, 113, 151, 128, 139, 86, 80, 101, 70, 138, 50, 141, 153, 218, 110, 56, 39, 122, 181, 120, 55, 86, 185})

func main() {
	c := client.NewClient(rpc.LocalnetRPCEndpoint)

	// to fetch recent blockhash
	res, err := c.GetRecentBlockhash(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("get recent block hash error, err: %v\n", err)

	// create a message
	message := types.NewMessage(types.NewMessageParam{
		FeePayer:        feePayer.PublicKey,
		RecentBlockhash: res.Blockhash, // recent blockhash
		Instructions: []types.Instruction{
				From:   alice.PublicKey,                                                            // from
				To:     common.PublicKeyFromString("2xNweLHLqrbx4zo1waDvgWJHgsUpPj8Y8icbAFeR4a8i"), // to
				Amount: 1e9,                                                                        // 1 SOL

	// create tx by message + signer
	tx, err := types.NewTransaction(types.NewTransactionParam{
		Message: message,
		Signers: []types.Account{feePayer, alice},
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to new transaction, err: %v", err)

	// send tx
	txhash, err := c.SendTransaction(context.Background(), tx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to send tx, err: %v", err)

	log.Println("txhash:", txhash)

Last updated